22415 Overlake Street | Saint Clair Shores, MI 48080 Phone 586.775.8370 | Fax 586.447.3574
Turkey Bucks
Thanksgiving Dinner.
What comes to mind when you hear those words? For many food, hope, and love. But many people aren't able to afford a special meal. We can help! Turkey Bucks is a Student Council fundraiser for those less fortunate. A week before Thanksgiving Day, we ask our entire student body to bring in money for the less fortunate. For every $15 that a class brings in, they earn one feather on the giant turkey body displayed in the office. The homeroom that brings in the most money based on a per person average, receives a pizza party. Doesn't that sound like fun? This money provides a Thanksgiving meal with turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes, or beans, tortillas, and rice. This year our school raised $4,047.60 with the goal to reach out locally, in the community, and in the world. We divided the money equally between our local St. Vincent DePaul Society Food Pantry, St. Anne's Loaves & Fishes Center in Detroit, and our sister parish in Haiti, St. Benoit.
When we all help it makes the service extra special.