22415 Overlake Street | Saint Clair Shores, MI 48080 Phone 586.775.8370 | Fax 586.447.3574
All About Sixth Grade
Sixth Grade Policies
All work must be completed according to directions given.
All papers must be completed with a standard colored blue or black pen (math work should be done in pencil).
All work handed in must be done on wide-ruled looseleaf paper.
A MISSING ASSIGNMENT NOTICE will be given and points will be deducted for incomplete/late work. This notice must be signed and returned with the completed work.
*Late work will receive a deduction of one letter grade.
*A zero will be given for any assignment not completed and handed in with the missing assignment notice.
*Failure to return a missing assignment notice will result in a VSR (VIOLATION OF SCHOOL RULES).
Grade 6 students are expected to:
*be polite & respectful to all *listen to and follows directions *be attentive during class *use work and study time well *be prompt with notes and signatures *take care of desk and materials *respond well to correction *be dependable in class, hallways, bathrooms, lunchroom, assemblies, drills, etc *cooperate with classroom jobs *display effort and participates