Commonsense Media Resources
Elementary School Math and Science
Elementary School ELA and Social Studies
Elementary School Arts and Creativity
Middle School Math and Science
Middle School ELA and Social Studies
Middle School Arts and Creativity
MI Dept. of Edu. Online Literacy/ELA Resources
MI Dept. of Edu. Online Science Resources
Make your own flashcards-StudyStack
PBS TV Programs-Check this site for resources and programming schedule for age appropriate educational shows.
HarperKids Storytime Anytime
Math flashcards
Happy Numbers Math
MI Dept. of Edu. Online Math Resources
Pictures Free copyright-friendly images for education. ( Creative Commons photos for use with proper credit given
Wikimedia Commons Everyone is allowed to copy, use and modify any files here freely as long as they follow the terms specified by the author; this often means crediting the source and author(s) appropriately and releasing copies/improvements under the same freedom to others.
Research provides all Michigan residents with free access to online full-text articles, full-text books, digital images, and other valuable research information at any time via the Internet; and provides an easy-to-use interlibrary loan system to allow Michigan residents to borrow books and other library materials for free from participating Michigan libraries. A GREAT RESOURCE! is a search engine for students. Since 2009, SweetSearch has been the best place for students - and anyone else - to begin their research. It leverages Google to search only a fully vetted "whitelist" of websites. The original index was created by 50+ librarians, educators and researchers who collectively invested over 100,000 hours in finding the best resource Safe search for kids, by kids! Visual search engine for kids, powered by editors and Google safe search.
KidzsearchThe #1 Safe Search Engine
Online Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Britannica
NatGeo Kids Children's Encyclopedia
Games for Kids
City Creator
Learning Games for Kids
Nat Geo Kids