22415 Overlake Street | Saint Clair Shores, MI 48080 Phone 586.775.8370 | Fax 586.447.3574
The SJA Athletic Program is an extension of our student athlete’s educational process. It provides our young parishioners with a sports program designed to serve as an orientation to competition in the spirit of the CYO. Under the leadership of SJA Pastor Msgr. Michael Bugarin and Athletic Director Charles Kaiser, we are putting special emphasis on our student athletes’ religious beliefs as they relate to athletics. SJA has implemented prayer before and after all SJA practices as well as reciting the Lord’s Prayer before all games/meets/matches and events in which our national anthem is played.
The SJA arena of athletic participation is where students learn the practical application of physical and social skills, especially building self esteem, poise, self control, teamwork, and grace whether their team may win or lose. Our athletes are SJA’s Christian ambassadors to the community and must be setting examples consistent with our mission.