As our athletic program begins to get into the full sing this evening, a couple important notes:
Closed Practices For multiple reasons, our athletic program has closed practices to parents and the public. To clarify, for outdoor practices only athletes and coaches are permitted inside our gated fence. For indoor practices, only athletes and coaches are permitted inside the building. For parents who plan on staying near school during the practice time, they are encouraged to park and hang out near our picnic tables. Both playscapes are also open for siblings to play during practice times.
Parking We have over 270 fall athletes. We also have many parish and school events coexisting with us. To optimize our facility the best we can for everyone, athletics is asked to park in the athletic lot, on the north side of Overlake street (no parking on south side), or in the parking lot south of the church. The parking lot in between the school and church is reserved for church and school usage and should not be used for athletics.
Website/ Communications We take pride in updating our website. It is our goal for the website to provide any information a parent may need. Whenever you have questions please reference our website first. Anything that we send out to the athletic department is also posted on the "Athletic Director Page" @
For athletics, parents need to sign up for the specific flocknote team they want to receive information for. This also gives you the option to add family members as well as set up specific settings on how you want to receive the messages from your teams coach. Please do not reply to a flocknote, it is more meant for mass communication to the team. If you have specific questions, contact the coach or athletic director directly. You can sign up for flocknotes @
Absences All of our coaches information has been posed on our coaching directory on our webpage @ If your athlete is to ever miss a practice they are to contact the coach directly before the practice otherwise it is unexcused.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Fall sports are set to begin next month. Posted below you will find general announcements as well as sport specific announcements.
General Announcements:
Preliminary practice schedules and the fall coaching directory with coaches contact information have been posted on our webpage and linked below. Please notice the different start weeks for each program.
All athletes are asked to show up 15 minutes early to their first practice to turn in a completed physical form to their coach. Linked below is a copy of the physical form that needs to be completed by a physician after May 1, 2024.
From this point forward, communication will be sent via flocknotes, please sign up for your child's correct team at the link below to receive any important information.
If your child cannot attend a practice please be sure to contact the coach ahead of time so they can plan accordingly.
We do not expect to receive game schedules from the CYO until mid August.
For anyone interested in SJA Chargerwear, our online store is open 24/7. The link to the store is listed below.
Football: Freshman, JV and Varsity football are set to begin the week of Monday August 12, 2024. Flag football will begin the week of Monday August 19, 2024. Numbers for each level look great and enough that we will be able to field teams at all levels. Beyond their physical form, on the first day of practice athletes will need athletic apparel, rubber football cleats, a mouth guard and a water bottle with their name on it. Football Coordinator Dennis Shubnell will continue to communicate with you if things are to change.
Varsity Soccer: We have 4 varsity girls soccer players registered. The varsity boys have 10 registered After discussions with our coaching staff we think it would be best for the program to combine both the boys and girls as one varsity team so everyone in our program can participate in the correct age grouping. Our coaching staff has done this in the past successfully as have other programs in the CYO. The team will compete in a CYO boys division, but we anticipate some of the schools in our division will most likely be co-ed as well. Varsity soccer is set to begin the week of Monday, August 19, 2024. Beyond their physical form, athletes are asked to arrive with cleats, shin guards and a water bottle with their name on it.
JV Soccer: We have 4 JV girls soccer players registered. The JV boys have 12 registered After discussions with our coaching staff we think it would be best for the program to combine both the boys and girls as one JV team so everyone in our program can participate in the correct age grouping. Our coaching staff has done this in the past successfully as have other programs in the CYO. The team will compete in a CYO boys division, but we anticipate some of the schools in our division will most likely be co-ed as well. Varsity soccer is set to begin the week of Monday, August 19, 2024. Beyond their physical form, athletes are asked to arrive with cleats, shin guards and a water bottle with their name on it.
Youth Soccer Camp: New to our program last year was our co-ed youth soccer camp for grades K-3. This camp is set to begin the week of Monday September 2, 2024 and run through the beginning of October. Athletes will meet 1-2 times a week with a focus on developing soccer fundamentals. Because no other schools offer this program, we do not have any one to schedule games against. Beyond their physical form, athletes are asked to arrive with cleats, shin guards and a water bottle with their name on it.
Volleyball: We will have our own SJA sponsored program this fall. Together we will have 3 JV teams and 1 varsity team. Volleyball will begin with the first week of placements the week of Monday, August 19, 2024. By the end of the week the JV players will be placed into 3 teams, and the following week will have a different team specific practice schedule. The varsity has around 15 athletes registered. Our varsity staff plans on coming into the week with an open mind and wants to assess the athletes before making the best decision for the program. Three possibilities the first week include possible cuts, keeping all 15 with limited playing time for some, or adding more players and splitting the team into 2 varsity teams. After seeing the girls play the staff will communicate with the team and parents with their decision by the end of the first week. Girls should come to their first placement with their physical form, athletic apparel, gym shoes, water bottle with their name on it, and any other personal volleyball equipment they may want.
Cheerleading: Cheerleading will meet twice a week for practice and come September will cheer at various football games throughout the fall. Cheerleading is set to begin the week of Monday, August 19, 2024. Beyond their physical form, athletes are asked to arrive in tennis shoes and a water bottle with their name on it.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
We are all set to kick off our first SJA Summer Athletic Day Camp. For those who registered information includes:
•Week 1- Monday, June 17, 2024- Thursday, June 20, 2024
•Week 2- Monday, June 24, 2024- Thursday, June 27, 2024
•Week 3- Monday, July 8, 2024- Thursday, July 11, 2024
•Week 4- Monday, July 15, 2024- Thursday, July 18, 2024
•Each Camp runs from 9am-3pm @ SJA
•On Monday, doors open at 8:30am. A 10-minute parent meeting will be held at 8:45am. Counselors will be here each day from 8:45am-3:15pm
Communication All communication for the camp (other than initial email) will be sent via flocknotes. Please sign up for your child’s week by clicking this link under Athletics 2024-> Summer Camps-> Week…
You are also encouraged to sign up other family members to flock note communication groups so they can receive the communications as well.
If you have any further questions or emergencies feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
Campers should come each day prepared to be outside on the athletic field and inside the school in the gym. It is suggested campers bring a backpack with the following attire/ equipment:
•Tennis Shoes
•Sport Specific Equipment (baseball glove, helmet, bat, soccer shin guards, etc- this is not mandatory but encouraged)
•Clothing for weather forecast for the day
Water Bottle
Drop off/ Pick up Campers are to be dropped off each day in the athletic lot near the picnic tables (between the school and athletic field). Pick up will be at the same location. If it were to rain athletes can enter the school through the stairs to the gymnasium.
Lunch Pizza, chips and water will be provided each day for lunch. If an athlete does not want this for lunch they are also welcome to bring a packed lunch to camp.
Water will be provided throughout the camp.
Daily Emphasis Each day of camp will have an emphasis of a life skill to teach the campers beyond athletics. These daily themes include:
•Monday- Teamwork
•Tuesday- Perseverance
•Wednesday- Character
•Thursday- Leadership
There will also be a focus each day on living as disciples of Christ.
Mission Athletic: St. Joan of Arc Athletic Club exists to foster faith, family, fun and friendship in the parish.
•Teaching and modeling Christ-like values.
•Providing lessons for attaining competitive excellence in athletics and life.
•Offering opportunities to build and strengthen the traditions of the SJA community.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday, March 8, 2024
As the winter athletic season concludes, we prepare for the spring athletic season to get underway. Currently, we plan on sponsoring the following programs:
Varsity Baseball
Varsity Softball
JV Baseball
JV Softball
K-3 Baseball skills camp
K-3 Softball skills camp
K-8 SJA Run Club
Track- This season our track program will combine with Star of the Sea, St. Paul and St. Clare. The team will be ran through the St. Clare Athletic Department. This is set to begin on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at St. Clare from 4pm-5:30pm. Your information has been sent to the St. Clare athletic department and if you have further questions you can contact the St. Clare AD Bob Conway at 313-218-6904.
Please understand that these are our preliminary decisions. We will not have definitive teams and decisions made until after the first week of practice. This gives our coaches the opportunity to be flexible and make the best decisions for the program as possible. A lot of things can change once we see our teams in person the first week of placements.
Before the first practice all athletes must have on file (if you played fall or winter sports for SJA you are all set):
All communication will be done through flocknotes. Please sign up for your child's team by clicking this link. Throughout the spring, all athletes should come to every practice prepared to be indoors and outdoors. Some extra individualized notes for each program are we near the start dates:
K-3 Baseball Skills Camp- Begins week of Monday, April 8, 2024 This is still new to our athletic program, so we may adapt our plans as we go. The idea behind this program is for athletes to also play in one of the local summer baseball leagues if they chose. This camp's purpose will be more to introduce younger athletes to our staff and our athletic program. The goal for camp will be to teach basic baseball fundamentals and will be assisted by our existing coaches sometimes with the assistance of our 7th and 8th grade varsity athletes. We hope this will build a bridge in our program that will promote our family values at SJA as well as a buddy mentor system that will connect our past with our future.
Beginning April 8, 2024, grades K-3 will meet together on Mondays from 5:15pm-6:45pm through May. These details could change as the year progresses for improvement purposes.
Athletes will need the following:
Personal Helmet
Cleats/ tennis shoes
Bat/Batting Gloves (Optional)
JV and Varsity Softball/ Baseball- Begins week of Monday, March 25, 2024 These teams will be off for Holy Thursday- Easter Sunday and return to normal schedule on Monday April 1, 2024. Note that the week of April 1 is during Easter Break from school. We will continue to run normal practices even though school is not in session. if you are planning on a trip please contact your coach ahead of time so they are aware. Softball and Baseball players will be provided a game jersey and hat/visor. Athletes will need the following:
Personal Helmet
Cleats (metal cleats are not allowed in CYO games)
Game Pants (baseball all white pants, softball all grey pants)
SJA Run Club and Track- Track begins Tuesday March 12, 2024 4pm-5:30pm @ St. Clare. Run Club begins week of Monday, April 8, 2024 The differences between Run Club and Track are:
Run Club is grades K-8 and will be held twice a week at SJA. This group will not compete vs other schools and will be more informal than track.
Track is for grades 4-8 only and will be ran through the atheltic program at St. Clare. These athletes will compete vs other schools in team and individual events. Anyone signed up for track will be contacted by St. Clare in the upcoming weeks with more information.
If anyone signed up for track and would like to switch to run club or vice versa, please contact Mr. Kaiser as soon as possible.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Thursday, December 28, 2023
We were just informed that we will no longer be able to rent out St. Lucys Gym on Thursdays after the New Year. Therefore, we had do make some changes to our weekly practice schedule. We will still have St. Lucy (labeled in blue) for Fridays. All other practices will be held at SJA. This will go into affect on Monday, January 8, 2024.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday, December 8, 2023
Due to the renovations to our gym, we have some new game day procedures we would like to share so our game day experience runs as smoothly as possible.
We ask that all spectators park in the athletic lot or the Mack Parking lot. We need to keep the church lot open for funerals, weddings and masses that are planned in the church on game days.
All spectators are to enter through the breezeway doors. Signs pointing spectators to walk through the lower hall and enter the gymnasium through the Northwest Stairwell (Home Bleachers) or the Northeast Stairwell (Visitor Bleachers). Any handicap or elderly fans who have issues with stairs can walk up the trophy room stairs for direct entrance to the gym. The reason for this is to protect our new gym floor from salt and wetness from the outside. It also will keep the playing surface safer for our athletes during competition.
Locker Rooms/ Restrooms:
Our locker rooms are the same as in the past. They are labeled home team and visitors. Our restrooms in the lower hall are going through renovation and will be locked off. For spectators who need to use the restroom, we will open up the primary school building with entry ways off of both north stairways.
Admission/ Concessions:
We appreciate all of your commitment towards a faith-filled athletic experience. As a sign of gratitude for this commitment, we will not charge our fans admission to watch the children play. If you would like to donate directly towards our athletic program, we are in the process of creating a virtual donation box for our program with more details to come after the holidays. Concessions will begin in the lower hall after the new year and they will return as cashless (just like Ford Field). Tomorrow’s contest will not have them.
Part of our gym renovation included painting of the gym. You will notice the banners and signs have been removed. Please rest assured we will continue to honor all of those athletes/teams and are in the process of getting it all back up to date.
Thank you for all your support. We look forward to a great game day experience.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday, October 20, 2023
After reviewing our winter athletic registration numbers it has been determined we will host the following CYO sponsored teams:
JV #1 Boys Basketball
JV #2 Boys Basketball
JV #3 Boys Basketball
JV #1 Girls Basketball
Varsity Girls Basketball
Varsity #1 Boys Basketball
Sideline Cheer
We are also excited to announce that we will sponsor the following youth programs:
K-2 Boys Basketball
3/4 Boys Basketball
K-2 Girls Basketball
3/4 Girls Basketball
K-4 Sideline Cheer
Please understand that these are our preliminary decisions. We will not have definitive teams and decisions made until after the first week of practice. This gives our coaches the opportunity to be flexible and make the best decisions for the program as possible. A lot of things can change once we see our teams in person the first week of placements.
All basketball teams grades 5-8 will begin the week of Monday, November 6, 2023 in the SJA gym. For this week please follow the winter placement schedule posted on our webpage.
Beginning the week of Monday, November 13, 2023 our entire program (including grades K-4) will begin our normal practice schedule. We have posted a preliminary schedule but keep in mind this schedule might change if we can find other gyms to rent out and add extra time.
Also, posted on our website under coaching directory you can find the names and contact information for all of our winter programs sponsored through SJA.
We are extremely excited to begin this season on our new gym floor. We will be very strict on keeping our surface as well maintained as possible. Therefore, we will only allow people on the floor who are wearing indoor only gym shoes. Athletes are to change them before and after practice in the lobby before steppping on the wood. There are also a couple other new features to the gym. We have added new backboards that lower to 8 feet for our youth program. An important note is that rims can only be dunked on at the 10 foot height. They are not designed to take on the impact of a dunk at lower settings.
A couple additional notes:
We will not allow parents in the building for practices. Please have your athletes enter through the gym stairway doors, and they will exit through the pre-school doors that are located in between both playscapes.
We will not provide water. Please have your athlete bring water a water bottle with their name on it.
Please have your athlete change into their basketball shoes inside the gym and take them off before they exit. Wearing outdoor shoes on our gym can make the playing surface slippery so we prefer they bring an extra pair for indoors only.
Beginning November 6, 2023 all team communications will be sent via flocknotes. Please sign up for your child's team so you are not missing any changes or important information. The link is also listed below.
All athletes must turn in their physical and concussion forms before the first practice in order to play.
We do not expect to have game schedules until mid-late November. Thank you for your patience.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Monday, October 2, 2023
SJA Winter Athletic Registration is now open. For more information and to register please visit
If you have any questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc
Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director
Thursday, July 29, 2023
Fall sports are set to begin next month. Posted below you will find general announcements as well as sport specific announcements.
General Announcements:
Preliminary practice schedules and the fall coaching directory with coaches contact information have been posted on our webpage and linked below. Please notice the different start weeks for each program.
All athletes are asked to show up 15 minutes early to their first practice to turn in a completed physical form to their coach. Linked below is a copy of the physical form that needs to be completed by a physician after May 1, 2022.
From this point forward, communication will be sent via flocknotes, please sign up for your child's correct team at the link below to recieve any important information.
If your child cannot attend a practice please be sure to contact the coach ahead of time so they can plan accordingly.
We do not expect to recieve game schedules from the CYO until mid August.
For anyone interested in SJA Chargerwear, our online store is open and closes on Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:59pm. Delivery of items are expected for the first week of school. The link to the store is listed below.
Football: Freshman, JV and Varsity football are set to begin the week of Monday August 7, 2023. Flag football will begin the week of Monday August 21, 2023. Numbers for each level look promising enough that we will be able to field teams at all levels. We are keeping registration open for the time being to add to our rosters as well. Beyond their physical form, on the first day of practice athletes will need athletic apparel, rubber football cleats, a mouth guard and a water bottle with their name on it. Football Coordinator Kevin Shubnell will continue to communicate with you if things are to change.
Girls Soccer: We have 7 varsity girls soccer players registered and about 10 JV. After dicussions with our coaching staff we think it would be best for the program to combine both teams as one SJA girls varsity team so everyone in our program can participate. Our coaching staff has done this in the past successfully. Girls soccer is set to begin the week of Monday, August 14, 2023. Beyond their physical form, athletes are asked to arrive with cleats, shin guards and a water bottle with their name on it.
Boys Soccer: Boys soccer is in the same number situation as girls soccer. After dicussions with our coaching staff we think it would be best for the program to combine both teams as one SJA girls varsity team so everyone in our program can participate. Our coaching staff has done this in the past successfully. Boys soccer is set to begin the week of Monday, August 14, 2023. Beyond their physical form, athletes are asked to arrive with cleats, shin guards and a water bottle with their name on it.
Youth Soccer Camp: New to our program last year was our co-ed youth soccer camp for grades K-3. This camp is set to begin the week of Monday September 4, 2023 and run through the begining of October. Athletes will meet 1-2 times a week with a focus on developing soccer fundamentals. Because no other schools offer this program, we do not have any one to schedule games against. Beyond their physical form, athletes are asked to arrive with cleats, shin guards and a water bottle with their name on it.
Volleyball: We will be combining our volleyball program ran out of Star of the Sea this fall. Together we will have 3 JV teams and 1 varsity team. Our SJA coaches will run the program and uniforms will be personalized with both school names for athletes to keep. Your contact information has been passed on to Star of the Sea Athletic Director Loreto Manzo and he will be contacting you shortly with further details.
Cheerleading: Cheerleading will meet twice a week for practice and come September will cheer at various football games throughout the fall. Cheerleading is set to begin the week of Monday, August 21, 2023. Beyond their physical form, athletes are asked to arrive in tennis shoes and a water bottle with their name on it.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714Friday, May 19, 2023
SJA fall athletic registration is now open. For more information and to register please visit our webpage at
If you have any further questions feel free to reach out to athletic director Charlie Kaiser via email ( or via cell (313-727-7714).
God bless and go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
JV Baseball: We just talked with St. Lawrence and due to scheduling issues at their field the remainder of the week, the JV1 baseball games today will remain on as scheduled (dress warm-address is 44429 Utica Rd, Utica, MI 48317). Because we have availability at our field tomorrow-when the weather is expected to be warmer, we are moving the JV2 baseball game to tomorrow at SJA as the same 4:30pm double header. JV2 baseball will practice tonight at its normal time (6:45pm-8pm).
If you have any questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Saturday, April 1, 2023
A new practice schedule has been posted on our webpage ( that we will follow for the remainder of the season. There will be no practices from Holy Thursday (April 6, 2023) through Easter Sunday (April 9, 2023).
Players will receive game jerseys and hats this week for uniforms. Players will need to wear their own game pants (baseball wears white pants, softball wears grey), red socks, and red belts.
Our roster sizes are small, so it is very important that you let our coaches know in advance if you can not make a game so we can avoid any possible forfeits. Coaches contact information is posted on our website (
If you have any questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714. We look forward to a successful season.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director
Friday, March 17, 2023
We are all set to get into the full swing of spring sports next week. A couple changes since our last announcement. Please also reference the post from Wednesday, March 1, 2023 for additional information.
Next week there will be no practices on Thursday, March 23, 2023 due to the SJA Spring Dance.
Before the first practice all athletes must have on file (if you played fall or winter sports for SJA you are all set): Physical Concussion Form
All communication will be done through flocknotes. Please sign up for your child's team by clicking this link. Throughout the spring, all athletes should come to every practice prepared to be indoors and outdoors. Some extra individualized notes for each program are we near the start dates:
Please be sure to read our sport specific announcements below.
Unfortunately, we were unable to get enough players for a varsity baseball team. All registered varsity players will get a full refund and are eligible to register for track if they chose.
JV baseball is set to begin next week. We will have 2 teams but they will practice together for the majority of the season and be split into JV1 and JV2 for games.
We were able to add a couple athletes from local parishes and can now field a varsity softball team and a JV softball team. All athletes will practice together next week and towards the end of the week a coach will notify your daughter on what team they will be on for the seasons games.
Track is set to begin at St. Clare the week of Monday, March 27, 2023. Practices will meet in the St Clare gym and be held on Mondays (4pm-5:30pm); Wednesdays (5:30pm-7pm); and Thursdays (4pm-5:30pm).
All of your SJA registration information has been forwarded to the St. Clare athletic department and they will add you to the contact list.
For additional questions you can always reach our to Coach Ann Conlan via email @ or athletic director Bob Conway @
Softball Baseball Camp
The first week has gone well. From this point forward camp will meet on Mondays from 5:15pm-6:45pm
Run Club
The start date for run club has been pushed back a week. Run club will now start the week of Monday, March 27, 2023.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714. We look forward to a successful season.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
As the winter athletic season concludes, we prepare for the spring athletic season to get underway. Currently, here is the status of the following spring programs:
Varsity Baseball- Only 6 players registered. We need 4 more registrations by Friday, March 10 or we will not be able to field a team. We have also reached out to local parishes to see if they have any players interested.
Varsity Softball- We have 14 total softball players registered in the JV and varsity programs. From seeing the athletes compete in the past, we feel like they are more than capable to become one varsity team. This closes our softball registration.
JV Baseball- Currently have 17 registered, would like to add more players to have 2 teams by Friday, March 10, 2023.
JV Softball- We have 14 total softball players registered in the JV and varsity program. From seeing the athletes compete in the past we feel like they are more than capable to become one varsity team. This closes our softball registration.
Track- New this season our track program will combine with Star of the Sea, St. Paul and St. Clare. The team will be ran through the St. Clare Athletic Department. More information to follow as the season nears.
K-3 Baseball skills camp
K-8 SJA Run Club
Before the first practice all athletes must have on file (if you played fall or winter sports for SJA you are all set):
All communication will be done through flocknotes. Please sign up for your child's team by clicking this link. Throughout the spring, all athletes should come to every practice prepared to be indoors and outdoors. Some extra individualized notes for each program are we near the start dates:
K-3 Baseball Skills Camp- Begins week of Monday, March 13, 2023 This is new to our athletic program, so we may adapt our plans as we go. The idea behind this program is for athletes to also play in one of the local summer baseball leagues if they chose. This camp's purpose will be more to introduce younger athletes to our staff and our athletic program. The camp will teach basic baseball fundamentals and will be run by our existing coaches with the assistance of our 7th and 8th grade varsity athletes. We hope this will build a bridge in our program that will promote our family values at SJA as well as a buddy mentor system that will connect our past with our future.
For the week of Monday, March 13, 2023 we will follow the following schedule:
Tuesday, March 14- 6:15pm-7:15pm
Wednesday, March 15- 6:15pm-7:15pm
Thursday, March 16- 6:15pm-7:15pm
Beginning March 20, 2022, grades K-3 will meet together on Mondays from 5:15pm-6:45pm through May. Because this is our first year doing this, these details could change as the year progresses for improvement purposes.
Athletes will need the following:
Personal Helmet
Cleats/ tennis shoes
Bat/Batting Gloves (Optional)
JV and Varsity Softball/ Baseball- Begins week of Monday, March 20, 2023 Softball and Baseball players will be provided a game jersey and hat/visor. Athletes will need the following:
Personal Helmet
Cleats (metal cleats are not allowed in CYO games)
Game Pants (baseball all white pants, softball all grey pants)
SJA Run Club and Track- Begins week of Monday, March 20, 2023 The differences between Run Club and Track are:
Run Club is grades K-8 and will be held twice a week at SJA. This group will not compete vs other schools and will be more informal than track.
Track is for grades 4-8 only and will be ran through the atheltic program at St. Clare. These athletes will compete vs other schools in team and individual events. Anyone signed up for track will be contacted by St. Clare in the upcoming weeks with more information.
If anyone signed up for track and would like to switch to run club or vice versa, please contact Mr. Kaiser as soon as possible.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714. We look forward to a successful season.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Spring athletic registration is now open with a deadline of midnight on Tuesday, February 14, 2023. For more details and to register please visit @
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Monday, January 30, 2023
As our winter sports schedule is winding down we have a couple school events that will impact our practice schedules. Changes include:
Thursday, February 2, 2023- SJA Open House- All practices cancelled
Tuesday, February 7, 2023- SJA Home Games- All practices cancelled
Wednesday, February 8, 2023- SJA Home Games- All practices after 4:45pm cancelled
Thursday, February 9, 2023- SJA Parent Teacher Meetings- All practices remain (no changes)
Wednesday, February 15, 2023- SJA Home Games- All practices cancelled
Thursday, February 16, 2023- SJA Home Games- All practices cancelled
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Practice schedules for each team over the holiday break will be communicated individually by your childs coach via flocknote. Our most up to date game schedules have been posted for our JV and varsity basketball teams. We expect our K-4 basketball and JV bowling to get game schedules in the first week of December.
Reminder that on Monday, November 28 we will begin our "after thanksgiving practice schedule". This can be found on our website under Athletics-Schedules tabs located above. For the first week our K-2 boys will have grades K-1 attend the red practice and grade 2 attend the white practice. Wishing you all a happy thanksgiving!
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday, October 21, 2022
After reviewing our winter athletic registration numbers it has been determined we will host the following CYO sponsored teams:
JV #1 Boys Basketball
JV #2 Boys Basketball
JV #3 Boys Basketball
JV #1 Girls Basketball
JV #2 Girls Basketball
Varsity #1 Boys Basketball
Sideline Cheer
We are also excited to announce that we will sponsor the following youth programs:
K-2 Boys Basketball
3/4 Boys Basketball
K-2 Girls Basketball
3/4 Girls Basketball
K-4 Sideline Cheer
All basketball teams grades 5-8 will begin the week of Monday, November 7, 2022 in the SJA gym. For this week please follow the winter placement schedule posted on our webpage. The varsity basketball team will not start until Tuesday November 8, 2022 due to Mondays Faith Formation confirmation meeting.
Beginning the week of Monday, November 14, 2022 grades 3 and 4 basketball teams will begin their placements and we will begin to follow our pre-thanksgiving practice schedule. Grade 3 and 4 boys will be off on Tuesday, November 15 and they will begin on Thursday November 17.
Cheerleading and K-2 Basketball will begin the week after Thanksgiving (week of Monday, November 28 2022). Begining the week of November 28 we hope to follow a permanant practice schedule. We have posted a preliminary schedule but keep in mind this schedule might change if we can find other gyms to rent out and add extra time.
Also, posted on our website under coaching directory you can find the names and contact information for all of our winter programs sponsored through SJA.
A couple additional notes:
We will not allow parents in the building for practices. Please have your athletes enter through the gym stairway doors, and they will exit through the pre-school doors that are located in between both playscapes.
We will not provide water. Please have your athlete bring water a water bottle with their name on it.
Please have your athlete change into their basketball shoes inside the gym and take them off before they exit. Wearing outdoor shoes on our gym can make the playing surface slippery so we prefer they bring an extra pair for indoors only.
Beginning November 8, 2022 all team communications will be sent via flocknotes. Please sign up for your child's team so you are not missing any changes or important information. The link is also listed below.
All athletes must turn in their physical and concussion forms before the first practice in order to play.
We do not expect to have game schedules until mid-late November. Thank you for your patience.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday, August 19, 2022
Preliminary game schedules have been posted on our website @ Please keep in mind these are very tentative and we expect many changes in the upcoming days.
Also, we are introducing the SJA family fall golf league. For more information and to register please visit
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Fall sports are set to begin next month. Posted below you will find general announcements as well as sport specific announcements.
General Announcements:
Preliminary practice schedules and the fall coaching directory with coaches contact information have been posted on our webpage and linked below. Please notice the different start weeks for each program.
All athletes are asked to show up 15 minutes early to their first practice to turn in a completed physical form to their coach. Linked below is a copy of the physical form that needs to be completed by a physician after May 1, 2022.
From this point forward, communication will be sent via flocknotes, please sign up for your child's correct team at the link below to recieve any important information.
If your child cannot attend a practice please be sure to contact the coach ahead of time so they can plan accordingly.
We do not expect to recieve game schedules from the CYO until mid August.
For anyone interested in SJA Chargerwear, our online store is open and closes on Friday, July 29, 2022 at 11:59pm. Delivery of items are expected for the first week of school. The link to the store is listed below.
Football: Freshman, JV and Varsity football are set to begin the week of Monday August 8, 2022. Flag football will begin the week of Monday August 22, 2022. Numbers for each level look promising enough that we will be able to field teams at all levels. We are keeping registration open for the time being to add to our rosters as well. Beyond their physical form, on the first day of practice athletes will need athletic apparel, rubber football cleats, a mouth guard and a water bottle with their name on it. Football Coordinator Kevin Shubnell will continue to communicate with you if things are to change.
Girls Soccer: We have 7 varsity girls soccer players registered and about 10 JV. After dicussions with our coaching staff we think it would be best for the program to combine both teams as one SJA girls varsity team so everyone in our program can participate. Our coaching staff has done this in the past successfully. Girls soccer is set to begin the week of Monday, August 15, 2022. Beyond their physical form, athletes are asked to arrive with cleats, shin guards and a water bottle with their name on it.
Boys Soccer: There were only 3 varsity boys who registered for this season. This is not enough to field a team and those 3 athletes will recieve a refund.. We do have 11 JV players registered which is enough (ideally we would like to add about 4 more players before the season begins). JV boys soccer is set to begin the week of Monday, August 15, 2022. Beyond their physical form, athletes are asked to arrive with cleats, shin guards and a water bottle with their name on it.
Youth Soccer Camp: New to our program this year will be our co-ed youth soccer camp for grades K-3. This camp is set to begin the week of Monday August 29, 2022 and run through the begining of October. Athletes will meet 1-2 times a week with a focus on developing soccer fundamentals. Because no other schools offer this program, we do not have any one to schedule games against. Beyond their physical form, athletes are asked to arrive with cleats, shin guards and a water bottle with their name on it.
Volleyball: We had 5 varsity girls register and are currently at 9 JV. The 5 varsity girls will combine with our family parish Star of the Sea who has enough athletes with our 5 to hold two varsity teams. Your contact information has been passed on to Star of the Sea Athletic Director Loreto Manzo and he will be contacting you shortly with placement details. SJA will sponsor a JV team with the 9 SJA athletes who registered. This will begin the week of Monday August 15, 2022. Beyond their physical form, athletes are asked to arrive with tennis shoes, knee pads and a water bottle with their name on it.
Cheerleading: Our cheerleading program had record numbers register this season (mostly coming from grades K-3). Cheerleading will meet twice a week for practice and come September will cheer at various football games throughout the fall. Cheerleading is set to begin the week of Monday, August 22, 2022. Beyond their physical form, athletes are asked to arrive in tennis shoes and a water bottle with their name on it.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Fall Athletic Registration is now open with a July 1, 2022 deadline. For more information and to register please visit:
If you have any questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Monday, April 25, 2022
We have had many changes to our game schedules in the past week. We have posted the most up to date schedules for each team on our webpage @
If you have any questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday, April 8, 2022
The JV1 Baseball away game today @ Shrine has been postponed due to field conditions. JV1 baseball will have the weekend off. JV1 baseball is asked to be at the DH vs St. Hugo on Monday by 4:30pm. The varsity SJA home baseball game at SJA is still on as scheduled, as is the JV 2 baseball away game tomorrow @ ND Marist.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714. We look forward to a successful season.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday, March 25, 2022
We have made a couple adjustments to our practice schedule that will go into place on Monday, March 28, 2022. The new practice schedule is posted on our webpage @
Also, we are working on our current game schedules. We are sharing preliminary schedules to help you as much as we can with planning, but please understand these are not final and subject to change. When schedules are finalized we will let you know via flocknote. Preliminary schedules are posted on our website @
If you have any questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714. We look forward to a successful season.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday, March 18, 2022
In the past couple weeks we have seen some fluctuation in our registered softball numbers. To best accommodate our program, we have decided for all registered softball players to practice together next week Tuesday through Friday from 6pm-8pm. Our staff will use these sessions to decide what the best option is going forward for the season on having just one varsity team or splitting the group into two teams. The new practice schedule is posted on our webpage @
If you have any questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714. We look forward to a successful season.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday, March 4, 2022
As the winter athletic season concludes, we prepare for the spring athletic season to get underway. Currently, we are planning on fielding the following spring programs:
Varsity Baseball- (registration closed)
Varsity Softball- (room to add 2-3 players)
JV Baseball- (currently have 17 registered, would like to add more players to have 2 teams)
JV Softball- (currently have 8 registered, looking to add 3-4 more players)
K-3 Baseball skills camp
K-8 SJA Run Club
Track- Grades 4-8 ran through the St. Paul Athletic Program
Before the first practice all athletes must have on file (if you played fall or winter sports for SJA you are all set):
All communication will be done through flocknotes. Please sign up for your child's team by clicking this link. Throughout the spring, all athletes should come to every practice prepared to be indoors and outdoors. Some extra individualized notes for each program are we near the start dates:
K-3 Baseball Skills Camp- Begins week of Monday, March 14, 2022 This is new to our athletic program, so we may adapt our plans as we go. The idea behind this program is for athletes to also play in one of the local summer baseball leagues if they chose. This camp's purpose will be more to introduce younger athletes to our staff and our athletic program. The camp will teach basic baseball fundamentals and will be run by our existing coaches with the assistance of our 7th and 8th grade varsity athletes. We hope this will build a bridge in our program that will promote our family values at SJA as well as a buddy mentor system that will connect our past with our future.
For the week of Monday, March 14, 2022 we will follow the following schedule:
Tuesday, March 15- K-1 4:30pm-5:30pm; Grades 2-3 5:30pm-6:30pm
Wednesday, March 16- K-1 4:30pm-5:30pm; Grades 2-3 5:30pm-6:30pm
Thursday, March 17- K-1 4:30pm-5:30pm; Grades 2-3 5:30pm-6:30pm
Friday, March 18- K-1 4:30pm-5:30pm; Grades 2-3 5:30pm-6:30pm
Beginning March 21, 2022, grades K-3 will meet together on Mondays from 5:15pm-6:45pm through May. Because this is our first year doing this, these details could change as the year progresses for improvement purposes.
Athletes will need the following:
Personal Helmet
Cleats/ tennis shoes
Bat/Batting Gloves (Optional)
JV and Varsity Softball/ Baseball- Begins week of Monday, March 21, 2022 Softball and Baseball players will be provided a game jersey and hat/visor. Athletes will need the following:
Personal Helmet
Cleats (metal cleats are not allowed in CYO games)
Game Pants (baseball all white pants, softball all grey pants)
SJA Run Club and Track- Begins week of Monday, March 21, 2022 The differences between Run Club and Track are:
Run Club is grades K-8 and will be held twice a week at SJA. This group will not compete vs other schools and will be more informal than track.
Track is for grades 4-8 only and will be ran through the atheltic program at St. Paul. These athletes will compete vs other schools in team and individual events. Anyone signed up for track will be contacted by St. Paul in the next week with more information.
If anyone signed up for track and would like to switch to run club or vice versa, please contact Mr. Kaiser as soon as possible.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714. We look forward to a successful season.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
All activities are on as scheduled tonight (Tuesday, February 1, 2022). All activities on Wednesday and Thursday this week are cancelled due to anticipated inclement weather. The current plan is for practices to return to normal schedule on Friday.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Thursday, December 16, 2021
Wishing you and all of your families a safe and blessed holiday season. Our final game schedules are posted on our website @ These schedules are always subject to change but we feel confident they are as close final as they can be.
We will continue to follow our regular practice schedule through Wednesday, December 22. We will resume our practice schedule on Monday, January 3, 2022 and follow that for the remainder of the year. Your coaches may or may not schedule additional practices over the holiday break. They will reach out to you their individual plans via flocknote.
Thank you all for all of your support and patience so far this season. The SJA family is very special to us and we are very grateful for all that you do.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Great news! The boiler has been fixed and all athletic practices tonight remain on as scheduled. God bless and go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Thursday, December 2, 2021
As many of you are already aware, yesterday it was announced that SJA will have an indoor mask mandate for the month of December. This will also impact our athletic program, except for when athletes are actively participating in their sport, they will be required to wear a mask.
On another note, the schedule link for JV and Varsity teams has been updated. Unfortunately, schedules are not "finalized" because some schools have yet to give us the times of the games they are hosting. For those games, we put a TBD for the times, and the moment we are given those times we will be sure to communicate it with you.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Monday, November 22, 2021
Today, we were notified of an athlete on our varsity girls basketball team with a confirmed case of Covid-19. The athlete is asymptomatic. It has been determined we do not have any close contacts that meet the criteria to quarantine guidelines, but we ask that all athletes continue to monitor their symptoms. According to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services as well as the Macomb County Health Department, quarantines for "close contacts" are ten (10) days from exposure. Students may return from quarantine earlier if they obtain a negative PCR test after 5-7 days for exposure. All students who are vaccinated do not have to quarantine if they are deemed a "close contact" and not showing symptoms.
Thank you for your vigilance to any of the symptoms in your child(ren) that may indicate Covid-19. Please continue to keep your child(ren) home if they are not feeling well. Attached you will find the Student Self Screening Checklist for you to monitor any unusual symptoms of your child(ren) as we follow the guidance of The Archdiocese of Detroit and the Macomb County Health Department. Also attached is the Quarantine Guidelines for your review.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Saturday, November 20, 2021
As we approach the start of the season, a couple important notes:
We have found extra gym time at our family parish, St. Lucy. St. Lucy is located at 23401 Jefferson, SCS, Mi, 48080. This means beginning Monday, November 22, we will follow a new practice schedule (link below and on our webpage).
There will be no practices for grades K-4 from Wednesday, November 24- Sunday, November 28 for Thanksgiving break.
All JV and Varsity teams who practice over Thanksgiving break will be on a sign-up basis from their coach. Each teams coach will communicate with you your childs schedule over break via flocknote.
From this point forward all communcation for all teams will be done via flocknote. Please be sure to sign up for your childs team via the link below.
Posted on our webpage are preliminary game schedules for all varsity and JV teams. These are subject to change, but will give you an idea on what our schedule may look like. These schedules will be finalized by December 1. All locations are linked to the away teams name.
Our instructional program will not have any games until after the new year. Expect to get more details/ schedules by mid-December on what that will entail.
For planning purposes, currently only varsity teams will participate in holiday tournaments.
Coaches will be reaching out to you shortly about setting up an individual team meet the coaches meeting via zoom.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday, October 29, 2021
After reviewing our winter athletic registration numbers it has been determined we will host the following CYO sponsored teams:
JV Bowling
Varsity Bowling
JV #2 Boys Basketball
JV Girls Basketball
Varsity #2 Boys Basketball
Varsity #1 Boys Basketball
Varsity #1 Girls Basketball
Sideline Cheer
We are also excited to announce that we will sponsor the following youth programs:
K-2 Boys Basketball
3/4 Boys Basketball
K-2 Girls Basketball
3/4 Girls Basketball
K-4 Sideline Cheer
All basketball teams grades 5-8 will begin the week of Monday, November 8, 2021 in the SJA gym. For this week please follow the winter placement schedule posted on our webpage.
Beginning the week of Monday, November 15, 2021 our entire basketball and cheerleading programs will begin their permanent schedules. Bowling will begin the week after thanksgiving. These schedules could always change throughout the season if we can find other gyms to rent out and add extra time.
Also, posted on our website under coaching directory you can find the names and contact information for all of our winter programs sponsored through SJA.
A couple additional notes:
Being in Macomb county, we currently do not have a mask mandate but we do recommend masks for those who chose to have their child wear them.
We will not allow parents in the building for practices. Please have your athletes enter through the gym stairway doors, and they will exit through the pre-school doors that are located in between both playscapes.
We will keep our fans and ventilation system on in the gym throughout the cold months, so have your athletes bring warm athletic apparel (sweats, long-sleeves) that they can put on over their shorts and t-shirts if they are cold.
We will not provide water. Please have your athlete bring water a water bottle with their name on it.
Please have your athlete change into their basketball shoes inside the gym and take them off before they exit. Wearing outdoor shoes on our gym can make the playing surface slippery so we prefer they bring an extra pair for indoors only.
Beginning November 8, 2021 all team communications will be sent via flocknotes. Please sign up for your child's team so you are not missing any changes or important information. The link is also listed below.
All athletes must turn in their physical and concussion forms before the first practice in order to play.
We do not expect to have game schedules until mid-late November. Thank you for your patience.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday, October 22, 2021
A couple fall updates:
Congrats to our varsity girls soccer team who had a great season come to an end on Wednesday night with a loss in the first round of the playoffs vs Shrine.
Come support our varsity boys soccer team, who opens their playoff quest tonight at SJA at 5:30pm vs Everest.
Also, be sure to support our varsity football team as they play a 20 minute exhibition game tomorrow at Ford Field for the Prep Bowl at 7:50am. Tickets can be purchased at the door for $10 each.
Keep making us proud. God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Our revamped registration process has been completed. Winter Sports Registration is now active and will close on Wednesday, October 20, 2021. We need all athletes to register by that date in order to properly plan for a sucessful season. For more details please visit:
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Thursday, September 30, 2021
We are currently in the process of revamping our athletic registration process. We expect it to be available sometime next week for the following winter sports:
Boys and Girls Basketball (K-8)
Cheerleading (K-8)
Bowling (4-8)
Thanks you for your patience on this. Stay tuned...
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Today, we were notified of an athlete on our varsity boys soccer team with a confirmed case of Covid-19. Thank you for understanding that, due to medical privacy laws, we are not able to release the name of the individual with a positive diagnosis. Due to social distancing and quarantine guidelines, we have not deemed anyone to be a close contact through athletics.
Thank you for your vigilance in observing any of the symptoms your athlete may show that indicate Covid-19. Please continue to keep your athletes home if they are not feeling well. Attached you will find the student self-screening checklist for you to monitor any unusual symptoms of your athlete as we follow the guidance of The Archdiocese of Detroit and the Macomb County Health Department. Also attached is the quarantine guidelines for your review.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Today, we were notified of an athlete on our freshman football team with a confirmed case of Covid-19. The athlete is asymptomatic and does not attend SJA school. The athlete has been in quarantine since Tuesday, September 23 from a close contact exposure from school. Because of this, we do not have any close contacts that need to quarantine. According to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services as well as the Macomb County Health Department, quarantines for "close contacts" are ten (10) days from exposure. Students may return from quarantine earlier if they obtain a negative PCR test after 5-7 days for exposure. All students who are vaccinated do not have to quarantine if they are deemed a "close contact" and not showing symptoms.
Thank you for your vigilance to any of the symptoms in your child(ren) that may indicate Covid-19. Please continue to keep your child(ren) home if they are not feeling well. Attached you will find the Student Self Screening Checklist for you to monitor any unusual symptoms of your child(ren) as we follow the guidance of The Archdiocese of Detroit and the Macomb County Health Department. Also attached is the Quarantine Guidelines for your review.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Due to poor field conditions, we are closing the SJA athletic field tonight.
This cancels practice for Flag FB, Frosh FB, JV FB, JV Girls Soccer, and Varsity Boys Soccer.
Varsity Football will host a walk through in the gym from 5:30pm-6:30pm.
Volleyball and cheerleading remains on as scheduled.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
All practices except for Varsity Football are cancelled this evening (9-22-21). Varsity Football will practice in the gym from 5:30pm-6:30pm (wear tennis shoes). The away varsity girls soccer game at St. Isaac is still on until further notice.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Thank you all for a great start to the fall season. We wish you and all your families a blessed holiday weekend. Posted on our website is our permanent practice schedule that will begin on Tuesday September 7, 2021. If there is ever a home game conflict with a practice time your coach will communicate with you via flocknote on what adaptions will be made. Also, there is a second Chargerwear store that is open until Sunday September 5th.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday, August 27, 2021
As the fall season gets underway, a couple notes:
Updated game schedules have been posted online. For away games we have linked directions to the field- access by clicking the opponents name.
Next week has another adjusted practice schedule that has been posted online. After Labor Day we will go to a permanent weekly practice schedule that we will follow for the remainder of the fall. Expect to get that at the end of next week.
On Monday, August 30 there will be no practices between 5pm-7pm due to SJA back to school night. From 6pm-7pm our fall coaching staff will be near the picnic tables of the athletic lot for you to informally meet your childs coaches. Feel free to stop by and introduce yourself/ ask any questions you may have.
Due to the Covid pandemic of the past year and a half we have not charged you the volunteer fee that we have had in the past for athletics. Yet, volunteers have been and need to be a staple of our program in order for us to offer the best experience possible for the kids. Instead of charging you extra money during a pandemic, we thought it would be more appropriate to just ask you for help where you can. Below is a sign up link for volunteers for all of our home games. If you have any time to give we would love to have you help our program. The more help we have, the better experience our program can offer for the children and families that are involved. Thank you!
For home games we will have a small concession stand and there will be an entrance fee. The money raised from these is used to offset the price of officials and equipment purchased throughout the season.
We have begun to form an Athletics Leadership Team just as the parish has a Parish Leadership Team. This team has been meeting about every 2 weeks for the past 8 months getting to know each other and discussing what we want to accomplish. Expect in the upcoming weeks a more formal introduction of the members of this team and the vision they have.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday, August 20, 2021
The new practice schedule has been posted online. There were some changes from last week. Also, posted on our website are preliminary game schedules. These will be sure to change in the upcoming week but they give you somewhat of an idea of what the season will entail. All this can be found @
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Monday, August 9, 2021
Freshman JV and Varsity Football begin today and football cordinator/ coach Kevin Shubnell has already sent you all the schedules. All other SJA sponsored sports begin the week of Monday, August 16th. A couple notes:
All athletes are asked to arrive 15 minutes before their first practice to turn in their physical. Physical forms are posted on our athletic website and there is also a link below.
All athletes should bring their own water bottle with their name on it to each event.
In the Covid-19 environment we live, we ask that everyone does their best to respect others wishes in order to stay as safe as possible. Masks will not be required but any athletes or parents are welcome to wear them if they choose. Social distancing is encouraged and there will be quarantines for unvaccinated close contact exposures. Please note that all Covid-19 protocols are subject to change per the guidance of the AOD.
All communication going forward will be done via flocknotes. If you or any family members want to be included in future communication be sure to sign up for your designated team by clicking the link below.
Practice schedules and our fall coaching directory is also posted on our athletic website. In the event your child will miss a practice or game, we ask that you communicate with your childs coach ahead of time.
We have yet to receive game schedules from CYO, once we do we will be sure to pass along.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
We still have a couple more days for fall athletic registration. To be transparent here are where our numbers stand for each fall program and our thoughts for the fall, if they were to stay the same, in the final days of registration. It is our belief that current SJA parents and current athletes are our best resources in helping bring athletes and families to our SJA athletic program.
Varsity (9)
JV (8)
Freshman (19)
Flag (14)
Freshman and Flag rosters are strong. There are still some Varsity players that we expect to play that have yet to register. We are in talks with St. Isaacs about the possiblity of combining or working together so all registered football players have the opportunity to play CYO football.
Boys Soccer
Varsity (7)
JV (6)
There are still a couple athletes that have expressed interest in playing that have yet to register. If we do not have a change in the current numbers we would combine JV and Varsity into one team.
Girls Soccer
Varsity (5)
JV (17)
We currently have 22 total registered soccer players which would be enough for 2 teams (a Varsity and a JV). Of the 17 JV players 7 are in the 6th grade and could potentially play on the Varsity. Ideally, we will add some players in the upcoming days at either level to make this more feasible. There is also the possiblity, if our coaching staff does not find this to be competitively feasable, we would keep the JV team and offer the 5 registered Varsity players a refund.
Varsity (5)
JV (8)
JV seems to be strong all set. We are looking to add a couple Varsity players. We have been in talks with Star of the Sea to combine our Varsity team, so all of the registered players will be offered to play CYO volleyball.
Varsity (2)
JV (3)
There are some cheerleaders from past teams that have yet to register. Preferably we can have a JV and a Varstiy team but would need a mininum of 5 per level to do this.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Monday, June 28, 2021
The CYO has extended fall athletic registration until July 16th. No late fees will be added until after the new deadline. More info @
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Thursday, June 3, 2021
As we are concluding our spring seasons we have a couple important events approaching:
Thursday June 3rd
Running Club 5K @ 4pm- start and finish near SJA gym steps.
Monday June 7th
Varsity 1 Baseball Playoff Game vs U of D at SJA @ 5:30pm.
Varsity 2 Baseball Playoff Game at St. Joseph of Lake Orion @ 6pm. Field address is 703 N Lapeer Road, Lake Orion, MI.
Varsity Softball and JV Baseball uniform collection/ ice cream social in athletic lot @ 5:15pm.
Thank you all for all of your hard work in making this spring season a success! God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday May 28, 2021
Fall athletic registration is now open and will close on Friday June 11, 2021. Any late registrations after June 11 will not be guaranteed a roster spot (if rosters are full) or subject to a $100 late fee.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday, May 7, 2021
Rapid Covid-19 testing last week seemed to go as fast as it could. Athletes only needed to hand in the Consent Form once so it will not be required to fill out again if you have already turned it in. Times for this Sunday, May 9 are:
Varsity 1 Baseball: 5pm-5:10pm
Varsity 2 Baseball: 5:10pm-5:20pm
Softball: 5:20pm-5:30pm
"Weather Watch Practice" tonight. This means that practice is still on, but we ask parents to be on call in order to get to the field as quick as possible in case the weather changes. If our coach does need to cancel practice from the field they will send out a flocknote text notifying parents to pick up their athletes as soon as possible.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Thursday May 6, 2021
"Weather Watch Practice" tonight. This means that practice is still on, but we ask parents to be on call in order to get to the field as quick as possible in case the weather changes. If our coach does need to cancel practice from the field they will send out a flocknote text notifying parents to pick up their athletes as soon as possible.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday April 30, 2021
Weekly rapid Covid-19 tests for athletes aged 13 and up at SJA begins this Sunday in the gym from 5pm-6pm. Please enter through the stairway door. To speed up the process athletes are asked to bring this Covid-19 rapid testing information and consent form already filled out and signed by a parent with them.
We expect this to take no more than 5-10 minutes. Athletes will turn in their consent forms, test and be sent on their way. They will not wait for results. If an athlete does test positive we will conctact you. If you do not hear from us that means it was a negative test. To make this efficient as possible please show up at the designated time slots for each team:
Varsity 1 Baseball: 5pm-5:15pm
Varsity 2 Baseball: 5:15pm-5:30pm
Softball: 5:30pm-5:45pm
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Thursday April 29, 2021
Due to inclement weather this evenings practices have been cancelled. Everything else this week remains as scheduled.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Thursday April 22, 2021
A couple odds and ends:
We expect to have game schedules next week. First games will not be played until the week of Monday, May 3rd. Players will be given game jerseys and hats, but will need to purchase their own red socks, red belt and pants (baseball all white pants, softball all grey pants).
With confirmation next week on Tuesday, April 27th, we will be moving all scheduled practices that day to Wednesday, April 28th.
Posted on the website is our updated practice schedule with Running Clubs schedule added to it @
Per state mandate, all athletes aged 13-19 must be Covid-19 tested within 7 days of any competition. We will be hosting a Covid-19 Testing at SJA weekly beginning Sunday, May 2nd, from 5pm-6pm. Please see details below.
In order for the Covid-19 Rapid Testing to work smoothly, we will need parent help. We will be hosting a training session on Wednesday, April 28 @ 6pm in the SJA athletic lot for any parents willing to help. Any help will make the line move much faster and is greatly appreciated.
Covid-19 Rapid Testing Information
Beginning on Sunday, May 2, 2021 Covid-19 Rapid Screening tests will be held weekly in the SJA athletic lot for SJA baseball and softball players aged 13 and up. Running club members do not need to be weekly tested.
We will host a parent training session on Wednesday, April 28 @ 6pm in the SJA athletic lot for any parents willing to volunteer for these testing dates. Click here for online training.
Athletes will need to be accompanied by a parent/ guardian and will be required to sign a Parent Consent Form and an Athlete Consent Form.
If an athlete has already had Covid-19 and can provide documentation for a positive PCR test within the past 90 days, they are exempt from the weekly testing. Though in order to be eligible for competition the 91st day after a past positive PCR test they will need to provide a negative test.
If an athlete prefers to get tested weekly elsewhere they must provide proof of a negative test within 7 days of any competition.
We will be using the Abbott BinaxNOW Covid-19 Ag Card Rapid Testing. Athletes will rotate a nasal swap up each nostril 1/2 inch for 15 seconds. They have the option to do this themselves or have a trained volunteer administer it.
Once the test is complete athletes will be allowed to go home. If you do not hear back from us that means you have a negative test. We will contact all positive tests via telephone.
If an athlete has a positive test they will be asked to self-quarantine and encouraged to get a PCR test in the next 48 hours. The result of the PCR test will be the determined guidelines to follow.
All game personnel (athletes, coaches, umpires, scorekeepers) will enter through the main gate by the picnic tables off the athletic lot and be screened before entrance.
All fans will enter via the 50 yard line gate off St. Joan Street. All fans and game personnel will be separated at all times.
Masks must be worn by everyone at all times, except those student athletes in the field of play. This and social distancing measures will be strictly enforced.
Benches will be sanitized between games.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Tuesday April 20, 2021
Due to inclement weather this evenings practices have been cancelled. Everything else this week remains as scheduled. Please scroll to message below to view important announcement in regards to track.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Tuesday April 20, 2021
Since hearing about St. Paul cancelling its track season, we have spent the past couple days looking into our options. With only about 20 SJA athletes registered it is not enough for us to field a track team ourselves, so we offered St. Paul to sponsor the team and run it through our SJA Athletic Program. Unfortunately, we did not receive enough interest and feedback from the St. Paul athletes registered for this to work.
Instead of just cancelling the season for 20 student athletes, we feel it is our duty to find different avenues to offer our athletes an opportunity to be physically active and a part of something this spring. We have long considered beginning a SJA running club. This club would be ran by longtime SJA teacher Mrs. Amy Pattie. It is still very early in the development process but initial ideas for what the club would entail include:
Meeting/ running 2-3 days a week. The club season will begin this week and run up until Memorial Day weekend. Grade levels for the club will be grades 4-8.
We would use the registration fees from track to invest into the club. Some ideas include buying the members of the club their own apparel, club training equipment, awards (medals, ribbons, etc) and possible entry fees to races in the area (if applicable).
All Covid-19 Athletic safety precautions would be followed in order to keep the club members as safe as possible. Per the State mandate because there are no competitions the members aged 13-19 would not have to complete weekly Covid-19 testing.
Any students interested in joining the running club who may not have registered for track can join by contacting the SJA Athletic Director.
We will offer full refunds for those who do not want to participate in the SJA Running Club. You can request your refund by emailing Charlie Kaiser at Otherwise we plan on the first club meeting this Thursday, April 22nd from 4pm-5pm @ the SJA athletic lot.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Sunday April 18, 2021
Yesterday we were informed that St. Paul has cancelled their spring sports season. This currently would impact all of our track athletes who play track through the St. Paul athletic program. We are looking into other possibilities for our athletes impacted. We hope to make an official announcement in the coming days. This announcement does not impact our baseball or softball programs ready to begin tomorrow. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714. We look forward to a successful season.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Wednesday April 14, 2021
Today the CYO Athletic Directors met via Zoom and the current plan (unless there is another announcement from the State) is to begin practices on Monday, April 19, 2021. Due to the many changes, we have decided for the varsity baseball teams to be placed as grade contained (7th graders will be placed on varsity 2 and 8th graders placed on varsity 1). Please understand that the baseball and softball programs are run through SJA but since track is run through the St. Paul athletic program, track athletes will be contacted by St. Paul and are expected to follow St. Paul's protocals. Next week's practice schedule for baseball and softball is posted online at:
Before the first practice all athletes must have on file (if you played fall sports for SJA you are all set):
The current testing mandate for athletes ages 13-19 is set to expire on Monday but there is an expectation that will be extended. Currently, the order states that in order for athletes to be eligible for competition they need to have a negative Covid-19 test within 7 days of that competition. Since practice is technically not competition we will not require athletes to get tested before our practices begin. Please expect more details on testing sometime next week after we hear if the order has been extended and what it may entail.
Until then we ask that all athletes remain home if they show any symptoms. Any athlete out of state on a vacation is still required to quarantine 7 days from when they return. Athletes will be screened before they enter our practice facility. Adults are required to wear masks at all times. Athletes are required to wear masks except in play when they are socially distanced.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714. We look forward to a successful season.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday April 9, 2021
In lieu of the Governor's announcement this morning, the CYO has decided on a one week pause (until Monday April 19) for the CYO Athletic Season to begin. This means that for now all events planned for next week (coaches meeting, Covid volunteer training and Covid testing) are postponed until a later date to be determined. We expect to have more information sometime next week and when that becomes available we will be sure to pass along.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Wednesday April 7, 2021
Per a recent state order all athletes aged 13-19 must undergo weekly Covid-19 testing in order to participate in athletics. SJA Athletics will offer weekly Covid testing beginning Wednesday April 14th from 4pm-6pm in our athletics parking lot. We are requiring all Varsity Athletes in grades 7 and 8 in softball and baseball programs at SJA to attend. All Athletes participating in track via St. Paul will follow St. Paul's testing protocols. To make this work, we are in need of parent volunteers (preferably with medical or first aid experience). If you are interested in helping please contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser @ 313-727-7714 or We will offer a volunteer training session on Tuesday April 13th at 6pm on the SJA athletic field that will be mandatory for all volunteers.
This news has altered some of our tentative plans for the first week of placements for spring sports. Changes include:
Instead of all Varsity Baseball players attending placements at the same time, we will have the 7th grade players attend the Varsity 2 placement time slot and the 8th grade players attend the Varsity 1 placement slot. If coaches see it best to place players on another team in the first week or so they will communicate that with the players involved.
Varsity Softball and JV Baseball will not need "placements" and will begin practicing right away.
All players entering the field will be screened (temperature checks and covid symptom questions) before entering the field.
All coaches, 7th grade and 8th grade baseball and softball players will be required to be weekly Covid-19 tested. Tests will be conducted at SJA on Wednesdays from 4pm-6pm and a parent/ guardian will be required to be with the athlete throughout the test.
Track Athletes will test via St. Paul's protocols.
Any athlete out of state on a vacation is still required to quarantine 7 days from when they return. Even if you are quarantined you are still required to show up for your weekly Covid Test on Wednesdays and will be eligible to return once you have a negative test and your 7 days are completed.
All coaches will wear masks at all times, players will wear masks whenever not socially distanced more than 6 feet apart.
All spring events will be outdoors.
Game day and spectator protocol will be released when game schedules are released.
Before the first practice all athletes must have on file (if you played fall sports for SJA you are all set):
If you have any questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714. We look forward to a successful season.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Monday March 22, 2021
The spring teams that SJA will field this upcoming season are Varsity Softball, Varsity 1 Baseball, Varsity 2 Baseball, JV Baseball and Track (through the St. Paul Athletic Program). We have combined those who signed up for JV Softball with Varsity Softball to form one Varsity Team. Varsity Baseball will be placed into 2 teams by the end of the first week of placements (if not sooner). JV Baseball is all set to have one team. Track athletes can expect communication from the St. Paul program in the upcoming weeks.
Before the first practice all athletes must have on file (if you played fall sports for SJA you are all set):
As we near the start date we will communicate with you finalized placement/practice schedules, game schedules and more detailed Covid procedures. If any families plan on going on a trip over Spring Break (the week before Monday, April 12, 2021) please be sure to communicate with the Athletic Director and your child's coach as soon as possible. Knowing about potential quarintines due to trips in advance will help us prepare for placements and early game schedules. Games are expected to begin in the first week or two of the season. Due to Covid-19 protocols we expect this season to be fluid. Please understand with the unique circumstances we will do our best to make the best decisions possible in regards to safety and what is best for the program.
We also have opened an online store that will be open until Friday March 26th, 2021 @ midnight with SJA gear for parents and athletes to purchase. Orders should arrive around the third week of April. Click here to view the link:
If you have any questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714. We look forward to a sucessful season.
God Bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Tuesday March 9, 2021
After reviewing our spring registration numbers we are in need of softball players. We also have room to add 3-4 varsity baseball players- our numbers permit us to have 2 varsity baseball teams this season. For baseball and softball ideal team sizes are 10-12 players (with a minimum of 9 in order to field a team). Track rosters sizes are unlimited. Because of this, we are closing JV baseball registration while keeping registration open for varsity baseball (until last spots are full), both softball teams and track. If we do not get our softball numbers up to atleast the mininum by Monday March 15, 2021 we will not be able to have a team and the girls who are registered will receive a refund and will be eligible to sign up for track.
Spring Registration numbers at yesterdays deadline are as follows:
Varsity Baseball- 21
JV Baseball- 12
Varsity Softball- 5
JV Softball- 4
Track- 17
If you have any questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714. For sport specific information and to register please visit:
We look forward to a safe and sucessful season. Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Tuesday February 23, 2021
Athletic Registration for the Spring 2021 Season is open now until March 8, 2021. The tentative start date for spring sports is Monday April 12, 2021 and the regular season is tentatively set to conclude before Memorial Day weekend. Sports offered for grades 4-8 include:
Track (combined team with St. Paul)
The spring dual participation rule will continue. Meaning SJA athletes are allowed to play for same sport summer teams for baseball and softball that coexists with the CYO season. We ask for transparent communication with your SJA coach and that when game schedule conflicts arise that you attend the SJA game.
The plan for the spring season is to follow all MHSAA and AOD guidelines. The MHSAA is in constant collaboration with state and health department officials adapting a plan that will be the safest way possible to return to Athletics. Safety for all athletes, coaches, and families are our number one priority. With that, we will also impose extra precautions beyond the recommendations to ensure we are doing this the safest way possible.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714. For sport specific information and to register please visit:
We look forward to a safe and sucessful season. Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Tuesday January 12, 2021
We have decided that SJA will not participate in a Winter Athletic Program for the 2020-21 season. There was a lot of thought and effort into making this decision, ultimately safety and precaution prevailed. All registered athletes will receive a refund in the next couple of weeks on the credit/debit card that was used to register. There is still a strong belief that we will be able to participate in the spring sports season (beginning April 12, 2020). As difficult as this news is, we have great confidence that the SJA community will continue to stay united and come out of this stronger than ever.
God Bless, Stay Safe, and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday December 18, 2020
CYO has communicated with us that they still plan on having a winter sports season. There is hope to get started in mid-January but that will be determined with more certainty after the New Year. Until then, we wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
God Bless, stay safe, and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Monday December 7, 2020
SJA Athletics will be collecting all fall uniforms/ equipment on Wednesday December 9th from 5pm-6pm as drive through drop off in athletic parking lot. Please bag washed uniforms with a note including athletes name, team and coaches name.
Thank you and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday November 13, 2020
We have been instructed by the CYO to postpone the start date of the Winter Athletic Season until further notice. When more information is presented to us we will be sure to share.
God bless, stay safe and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Tuesday November 3, 2020
As many of you already know, there was a couple Covid-19 cases at SJA school. With guidance of the health department, SJA has moved to virtual learning for grades 6-8 until Tuesday November 17, 2020. The confirmed cases did not have any contact tracing that affected Fall SJA Athletics, but this news does affect the athletic department in several ways:
There will be no uniform turn ins from Fall Athletics until atleast Tuesday November 17. As we get closer to that date your coaches will contact you about a date and time for uniform collections.
Winter Athletics which were scheduled to begin on Monday November 16, have been delayed atleast until Tuesday November 17. Expect an announcement with more details (potential further delay, practice times, protocols, etc) to come by Friday November 13, 2020. We understand this may be difficult to get this information on short notice, but in this ever evolving climate it is important that we give as much time as possible for new facts to come in before making certain decisions.
Please continue to have patience and adaptability as things will be sure to change throughout the season. When making any athletic decisions our thought process will prioritize our primary goal of maintaining in person school, while finding creative ways to keep our athletes physically, mentally and emotionally active.
We would also like to thank our coaches, parents, athletes and SJA community for all of their hard work on making SJA fall athletics a sucess. All of your efforts gave our children a sense of normalcy and memories that they wil never forget. It was inspiring to see what the SJA family can accomplish when we all work towards one goal. Thank you!
If you have any questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell) 313-727-7714.
As always, God Bless, stay safe and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Friday October 23, 2020
The JV Boys Soccer game scheduled for this evening has been cancelled. This game will not be rescheduled.
Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Monday October 19, 2020
The JV Girls Soccer game scheduled for today has been postponed to Thursday October 22 at SJA @ 5pm. Schedules are up to date @
Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Wednesday October 14, 2020
Athletic Registration for the Winter 2020-21 Season is now open with a deadline of October 22 at midnight. The plan for Winter Athletics is to follow all MHSAA and AOD guidelines. The MHSAA is in constant collaboration with state and health department officials adapting a plan that will be the safest way possible to return to Athletics. Safety for all athletes, coaches, and families are our number one priority. With that, we will also impose extra precautions beyond the recommendations to ensure we are doing this the safest way possible.
The current plan is for our teams to participate in league games only. Varsity Sports will participate in the CYO post season playoffs. As of now, we do not plan on having fans in person at games inside SJA. We are in the process of streaming games online for spectators. Players and coaches will wear masks at all times. Finalizing the coaching staff can not be completed until we see our numbers from registration but we do anticipate it being very similar to our staff last season.
In anticipation of not being allowed volunteers we have waived the past $150 volunteer fee, but we have added a $100 late fee for anyone who registers after the October 22 (midnight) deadline.
Please understand that these rules could change throughout the season. When making any athletic decisions our thought process will prioritize our primary goal of maintaining in person school, while finding creative ways to keep our athletes physically, mentally and emotionally active.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (email) or (cell)313-727-7714. For sport specific information and to register please visit:
We look forward to a safe and sucessful season. Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Monday September 28, 2020
This evenings varsity girls soccer game has been rescheduled to Monday October 26 at 5:15pm at SJA. Schedules are up to date @
Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Tuesday September 22, 2020
Preliminary game schedules have been posted on our website at Please understand these are prelimnary and ever changing. Whenever there is a change we will post the most current schedule on the site. We are still waiting on several schools to respond with times and addresses for the games they are hosting.
All volleyball games will be played with no fans. We are currently working on an online streaming option for games played at SJA. Please stay tuned- more to come.
For outdoor games at SJA only athletes will be allowed inside our athletic field fence. Parking in the athletic parking lot will be coaching parking only. Both teams benches will be on the north sideline. This will provide viewing areas outside our fence along the parking lot endzone as well as the South side of the field on Overlake. Please keep any chairs you bring off the sidewalk. Because of limited space we are suggesting 2 spectators per athlete and encourage all fans to wear masks and follow social distancing protocals.
Please understand various opponents will have different measures in place at their home facility. Thank you for representing SJA as a school of Christian faith and our parish so well.
Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser
St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714
Tuesday September 8, 2020
This evenings practices have all been cancelled due to field conditions from the weather. Varsity Football is still planning on passing out helmets at the times communicated with each group yesterday.
Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director
Tuesday September 8, 2020
Per the latest Executive Order all athletes are now required to wear a facial covering in practice and in competition. This is for all of our fall teams.
Charles Kaiser St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director
Friday September 4, 2020
CYO has informed us that fall sports with competition is planned. We expect schedules sometime next week. Soccer and volleyball will begin games the week of September 14, football and sideline cheerleading are set to begin competition September 26.
We have an updated fall practice schedule that has been posted on our website @ and click “Fall Practice”. This begins on Tuesday September 8.
Enjoy your Labor Day weekend. Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director
Thursday September 3, 2020
We are aware of the news from the Governor and the MHSAA today in regards to fall sports (football, soccer, volleyball, cheerleading) being able to resume competition this fall. We are expecting more details soon on how this will directly affect us and the CYO fall season. We anticipate that this news will affect our practice schedule (more football practices will need to be added and volleyball will be able to practice inside begining on September 9th).
Being a holiday weekend there will be no practices on Labor Day (Monday Septeber 7). We hope to send you a final practice schedule for next week sometime tomorrow. Until then everything is on as scheduled.
Stay tuned, Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director
Wednesday September 2, 2020
Introducing the St. Joan of Arc fall 2020 online apparel store. The store is active and closes on Friday September 11, 2020 (no exceptions). This is a fundraiser for SJA athletics. To access the store visit -> athletics -> athletic gear or go to the direct llnk:
Charles Kaiser St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director
Tuesday September 1, 2020
Under current Covid-19 guidelines we are unable to bring athletes into the building unless it is an absolute emergency. This makes our protocal for inclement weather (thunder and lightning) complicated. Instead of cancelling due to potential storms, we are now going to implement "Weather Watch" practices for the fall season.
When we send out a flocknote notifying tonight is a "Weather Watch Practice" this means that practice is still on, but we ask parents to be on call in order to get to the field as quick as possible in case the weather changes. It is encouraged if parents do not live nearby to stay on campus (in their cars- following social distancing measures) in case the weather quickly turns. If our coach does need to cancel practice from the field they will send out a flocknote text notifying parents to come pick up their athlete immediately.
Thank you for your understanding. Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director
Friday August 28, 2020
Due to the inclement weather practices this evening have been cancelled. We hope to hear from the MHSAA next week in regards to competition for soccer and volleyball. The schedule for next week is posted on our website @ and click “Fall Practice”. We plan to follow this schedule for Fall season.
Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director
Thursday August 27, 2020
Due to potential storms this evening combined with a heat index approaching dangerous levels we have decided to cancel this evenings practices. Tomorrow evening we will post the schedule for next week- it will be very similar to this weeks schedule with minor changes to cheer and flag football moving to Monday and Wednesday at the same times.
Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director
Thursday August 20, 2020
The MHSAA announced today that fall sports can begin to practice on Monday August 24th for this fall athletic season. We will begin cheerleading, soccer, and volleyball next week. Currently, in our region these sports are only allowed to practice and a date to begin competition has yet to be determined.
The MHSAA is also allowing football to hold a 16 day camp through the fall and plans on having football competition in the spring. The fall football camp will begin next week as well and players who are registered for the season are all set to participate next week.
In order for everything to go as smooth as possible please review important procedures for next week:
Please go on to Flocknote and sign up for the team you are on so you can receive future notifications. Flocknote sign up is here:
On the first day of practice athletes are asked to arrive 15 minutes early to turn in their physicals and concussion forms. If you played SJA sports last year you only need to run in the “returning physical form”. All forms are posted on our website at
The athletic parking lot will be closed off to the public and only coaches will be allowed to park in the side of the lot near the gym stairs. Athletes are asked to be dropped off outside of the lot and proceed towards the tent near the entrance of the athletic field. If parents/ guardians want to walk their athlete to the tent they are asked to park in the parking lot between the school and the church. After drop off, parents are required to leave the premise and come back to pick up their athlete at the designated time practice is over.
Before athletes enter the athletic field each player will have their temperature checked as well as be asked several Covid-19 screening questions.
Athletes do not need to wear a mask. All coaches will wear masks at all times and equipment will be frequently sanitized after use.
On top of bringing their sport specific equipment, athletes are asked to bring their own water bottle and place their name on it.
Other notes:
To begin, volleyball and cheerleading will start the season outside on the athletic field. Even though there are no football games to for cheerleaders to cheer for this fall, cheerleading can continue to practice, possibly cheer at soccer/ volleyball games and can come back and continue their season in the spring when football resumes in the spring.
Football players are eligible to play an additional CYO sanctioned sport this fall on top of football camp and does not affect their eligibility for the spring season. This will be determined on a case by case basis and if interested please contact Athletic Director Charlie Kaiser (information listed below). Even though this is allowed per CYO, we have to make the best individual decisions in regards to roster sizes for our athletic programs other existing fall sports.
It is our primary goal in this pandemic to keep our athletes as safe as possible while finding ways to keep them physically, mentally and socially active. We will continue to do our best to find creative ways to accomplish this goal. Please keep an open mind as new information arises throughout the season.
The schedule for next week is posted on our website @ and click “Fall Practice”. We look forward to seeing you all next week.
God bless and Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director
Friday August 14, 2020
The MHSAA just released a statement postponing football competition until the spring 2021. Other sports to date remain to go on as scheduled for now. There are still a lot of questions that we are waiting answers for- they include:
Can we still hold fall football camp (as we have for the past week) and if so what guidelines need to be followed?
If other sports are allowed can players potentially attend fall football camp and still play another sport?
What are the dates planned for the spring football season and how does that affect eligibility for CYO spring sports like baseball and track?
Plus obviously many more...
We are postponing fall football training camp next week (the week of 8/17-8/21). We hope to have more answers and a more detailed plan to you by sometime later next week. To view the press release the MHSAA issued today click below:
Please be assured we are trying diligently to find as many creative ways possible to keep your children safe while remaining physically, mentally and socially active. Thank you for your patience and feel free to contact me anytime at my contact information listed below.
Stay tuned, Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714 Thursday August 13, 2020
The MHSAA still plans on making a decision in regards to competition on for Fall Sports by Thursday August 20th. The current plan at St. Joan of Arc is to begin Soccer, Volleyball and Cheerleading the week of Monday August 24th. Football has already begun their Fall Camp. Up until the week of the 24th everything will remain the same for Football.
For registered Soccer, Volleyball and Cheerleading athletes please understand we will not have a schedule with all of the details for the week of the 24th until we receive word from the MHSAA on Thursday the 20th. As we wait, there are still some things parents can do to make the transition the week of the 24th as smooth as we can. These things include:
Make sure you have all the paperwork completed (visit for the forms. Athletes who played a SJA sport last year need the “Returning Physical Form” completed. New Athletes need the “Physical Form” and “Concussion Form” completed. These will be handed in 15 minutes before the first scheduled practice.
Sign up and register for your sport specific flocknotes so you can receive texts and email communication throughout the season. Beginning the week of the 24th we will complete all communication via flocknotes. Click here to register and be sure to pick the correct teams you want to receive information for.
Thank you for your patience through all of this.
Go Chargers!
Charles Kaiser St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714 Saturday August 1, 2020
I would like to thank Don Pomaville for all of his hard work and dedication to St. Joan of Arc. Don spent 35 years as PE teacher and 20 years as Athletic Director. His countless sacrifices throughout the years on making our program his priority is the reason it is one of the top Athletic Programs in the CYO. Beyond that, I would like to personally thank Don for everything he has done for me through the years as a mentor - teaching me not only to improve at my profession- but teaching me life lessons on how to become a better disciple of Christ. Your friendship will always hold a great value to me and I will continue to carry those lessons on with me forever. I look forward to carry on the many core values that Don has embedded in our Athletic Program.
The plan for Fall Athletics is to follow all MHSAA and AOD guidelines. The MHSAA is in constant collaboration with state and health department officials adapting a plan that will be the safest way possible to return to Athletics. Safety for all athletes, coaches, and families are our number one priority. With that, we will also impose extra precautions beyond the recommendations to ensure we are doing this the safest way possible. Currently, that plan entails for practices (with sport specific safety precautions) to resume in the following weeks. On August 20th, the MHSAA will again meet to give a ruling or plan on competition between schools for the Fall 2020 season.
With this news, we have opened Fall Sports Registration for SJA Athletics from now until August 5th, 2020. With such a short turnover between registration and practice beginning we need to impose a $100 late fee for anyone who registers after August 5th (at midnight). All of this information and more is posted on the St. Joan of Arc School webpage under Athletics/Fall Sports. As information continues to come out, I will be sure to continue to update the athletic page with more information as it comes in. The direct URL is:
Thank you for all of your understanding. Go Chargers and God Bless!
Charles Kaiser St. Joan of Arc P.E. Teacher/ Athletic Director 313-727-7714 --