Grade 6 Accelerated Reader Guidelines
The Accelerated Reader program begins in September. Students will read books and then take a quiz on classroom computers. Accelerated Reader grades are applied to the student’s literature grade for that quarter. Accelerated Reader grades are equivalent to a test grade. The Quarterly assignments will be gives out as a point total. Students will be required to earn a designated number of points each quarter. Points are earned by correctly answering quiz questions.
Quarterly assignments for this year are as follows:
First Quarter - 6 points
Second Quarter – 8 points
Third Quarter – 10 points
Fourth Quarter – 12 points
Students will supply their teacher with a book
proposal to inform us of the book(s) they will be reading. Book lists with reading levels and point values are available online at
Teachers have the option to veto any choices that are not appropriate (based on reading level, duplicates, class books, etc.) Students may read only one book per author. Books must have a minimum point value above 1.0.
It is the student’s responsibility to locate Accelerated Reader books of their choice. Classrooms and the SJA library have a variety of books available.
The following books are exempt for Room 18:
Bridge to Terabithia
No More Dead Dogs
Whipping Boy
The Westing Game
The Egypt Game
View from Saturday
Wrinkle in Time