English/Language Arts:
We use Journey's text series for reading, spelling, vocabulary and grammar. We also have an additional grammar text to provide opportunities to master grammar skills, and a handwriting book.
In addition to the Journey's reading text, as a class, we read children's literature (Schooled and Restart by Gordan Korman and the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis), and several independent reading books.
Every week we use the writing process to develop our writing. Fifth graders explore expository, informative, narrative and persuasive writing across the curriculum.
Social Studies/World Geography:
First quarter focuses on core concepts such as types of government, geographical concepts, economics, etc. As the year progresses, our studies turn to how these concepts relate to various countries throughout the world. We will conduct research, study maps and learn about culture, language, history, government, etc.
Fifth graders focus on life science, earth science and physical science. We utilize interactive notebooks and experiments using the scientific method and STEAM. Students learn the Cornell Method of notetaking for science and social studies.
The year begins with daily times table tests to master multiplication facts. We will study division, fractions, decimals, geometry, ratio, pecent and concepts in algebra. Concepts are introduced and time is given in class to practrice and answer questions, but some work is to be completed at home.
Fifth graders focus on the sacraments. We read, study, pray and discuss how the sacraments are important to our lives as Christians. We strive to follow the teachings of Jesus in all that we say and do. We work together as a class and school community to live and grow in faith.